Everything about treating dark circles around your eyes

" Dark circles" under the eyes is a common, frustrating phenomenon among men and women, giving the face a tired, sad look. This might be a significant aesthetic defect, which hasn't been addressed adequately. This phenomenon has several different causes, however the most common cause for dark shades under the eyes is aging. The skin under the eyes is particularly thin. It has little subcutaneous fat tissue, and has a blood vessel rich tissue directly beneath it. With age, the skin becomes thinner and drier, and in addition, the upper cheek area drops. As a result, the bluish blood vessel layer is seen through nearly-transparent skin. In most cases, the aging process involves a deepening of the natural sunken area under the eyes, which exacerbates its dark appearance due to the added shade on the area. In some cases, this is a congenital phenomenon observable as early as in the patient's teen years, becoming more pronounced with aging.

The treatment technique used to blur out sunken and dark areas is based on injecting natural hyaluronic acid-based filler using a micro-cannula. Injecting hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the sunken area will restore volume, stretch the skin, and brighten the dark area created both by the shading effect and by visible blood vessels.

Hyaluronic acid products are now considered as both safe and popular in the field of natural fillers and volume restoration products. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance which is naturally produced in the different tissues of our body, and which our body breaks down gradually.  Most hyaluronic acid products aren't suitable for treating the under-eye area. The most suitable filler for this challenging indication is without a doubt Belotero® Balance, a uniquely-structured hyaluronic acid. True to its name, it is very balanced, giving a natural-looking result in particularly challeging areas.

Treating this delicate area is done using a cannula, standing in for the traditional needle.  The cannula is a special type of long, flexible tube with a round, blunt edge (which, unlike a needle, does not damage blood vessels and nerves when it is inserted into the skin). A minuscule slit is located at the tip, through which the filler comes out. The entire treatment is done through one tiny puncture on each side, through which the cannula is inserted in order to inject the hyaluronic acid. This method doesn't involve pain and doesn't damage blood vessels in the area, thus reducing redness, swelling, bruising and tenderness which often occur following regular needle injections.

This treatment is suitable for all ages and the result is visible immediately, reaching its peak within a week. Treatments take only 15 to 20 minutes and the filler lasts a long period of time, usually between three to five years, sometimes even longer.